Sunday, August 28, 2016

Salvation Sunday: To feel your child's face.

This title sounds weird, I know, but stick with me. Imagine a blind expecting mother, unable to see her child when going to sonograms. Now watch this video,

The first time that I watched this video I cried, can you think about the sheer joy this mother felt? This was a commercial put out by huggies diapers, and when they put it out the probably were not intending to be super pro-life. But if you think about it, what if every mother had the chance to see, or feel her child? Could anyone consider an abortion after they saw a beautiful child's face? Seeing this video made me want to slap it into the faces of those who are pro-abortion. That little baby in the video is NOT a clump of cells.  Maybe there is somebody that you know that needs to watch this video, if so show it to them, say it's a diaper commercial.  Could you imagine what might happen if we got hundreds of people to watch this video? Just a thought!                                                          
Whistle while you work,                                                                                           

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