Sunday, July 3, 2016

Salvation Sunday: Freedom.

As you all know, tomorrow is the 4th of July. What does the 4th mean to you? Fireworks? Grill-outs? America? To me the 4th of July is about family and friends, but it is also about freedom. Our amazing country was founded with a set of rules, the constitution. The first amendment, states that all have a freedom to religion, no matter who or what their religion may be, they can practice freely. Most people would think these days that freedom of religious practices would never be a problem in any country. However, in many countries, practicing a religion that goes against the governments is a punishable crime. The second amendment states that all free peoples have the rights to bear arms. This is a very important amendment. Today many people in America are trying to keep us from this amendment with gun control. A silly saying is " Guns kill people." Last time I checked, people kill people, not guns. Fight gun control, protect your families. It's true that our country is a little broken today, but we are the ones that have to fix it, we are the ones to fight back. If we stand for our rights, stand for our freedoms, no one, absolutely no one, can silence us. 
Happy 4th of July!    

 Whistle while you work,

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