Well I have. My best friend Catherine Longstaff and her mom make THE best cookies in the world. The cookies are gooey and crunchy in all the right places, the chocolate chips are perfectly melt when you eat them. I know this sounds super ridiculous, but God's love is a lot like a chocolate chip cookie. Catherine has given me her recipe and I have watched her make them dozens of times, but my cookies never turn out just like hers. ( Also she doesn't use exact measurements, so I never know for sure how much stuff she uses.) There is some secret that she is holding from me! And if I made cookies that good, I wouldn't share the recipe either. On to God's love, God's love is like Catherine's cookies, sweet, perfect, and satisfying. If you eat one of God's cookies, you don't need another one, it's so rich and fulfilling that you don't need to eat anymore. As is God's love, He gives us all we need, all we have to do is ask, and He gives. I have tried a million different recipes, and eaten other peoples cookies, they were all good, but not great like God's. You can fill your life with other things than God's love. You can fill your life with money, sports, friends, addictions in a nutshell. But nothing tastes as good as God's cookie/love. You try so hard to fill your deep hunger for cookies/love, but nothing helps, in fact, it only makes it worse. Eating huge amounts of cookies is not good for your body, and looking for someone to fill your need for love is not good for your soul. The truth is each and every one of us has a God's cookie sized hole in our stomach, or a God sized hole in our hearts, nothing but God's cookie/love can fill that whole. So what should you do? Go to God and ask for a cookie, ask for His love. He is always ready to give it to, He just pulled a fresh batch out of the oven. Once you eat the cookie, you leave, and go back to your old way of life, looking for the perfect cookie. Something to fill your hunger. We do this over and over and over, and though we know were the perfect cookie is, we are afraid to ask for it. The moral of the story is to go to God when you are in need of love or a cookie. Actually go to the Longstaffs, because eating their cookies is like taking a bite straight out of Heaven. Fill your God sized holes. And I am going to go eat a cookie, because I am now hungry.
Whistle while you work,
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