Friday, March 17, 2017

The Saint behind St.Patrick's day.

What normally comes to mind when you think of Saint Patrick's day? People wearing green, being pinched when they don't? A parade? A beer? A shamrock? Whatever you think of, it probably isn't the kind old bishop for whom the holiday is named.
                                  Image result for saint patrick
It was always saddening to me when people would use St. Patrick's day as an excuse to get drunk, because it is all in the "name of Ireland."  Just like Saint Valentine and Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day means so much more than what people do to celebrate it.  So first, some history......

Saint Patrick was born sometime in the fifth-century in Great Britain. He was kidnapped by pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. After six years of slavery and tending sheep, Patrick ran away and made his way back home. He became a priest, and then a bishop. He felt like God was calling him to return to Ireland and convert his captors. Eventually he was able to convert the druids and his captors.  ( more history here ttps:// )

There are several legends surrounding St. Patrick, how many of them are true I don't know, but I hope that they are.

Saint Patrick's day shouldn't be about drinking, it shouldn't be an excuse to waste money. It should be a day to remember the Patron Saint of Ireland with a Mass, a Rosary, or maybe even just a short prayer. I don't think one beer is bad, as long as you toast the good old Saint first. Also, while you are at it, offer up a prayer for Ireland because it isn't as Catholic as it used to be. In the true spirit of Saint Patrick, convert your captors and the druids!

Whistle while you work,

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