As you probably know, DC has decided to make a Wonder-woman movie. At first I was very intrigued. I mean I really liked Wonder-woman when I was little, I liked her not because she was one of the first female super-heroes or because she could perform amazing feats. I just thought she was cool, until I got a little older and started to detest her skimpy little outfit and objectifying fighting style. Now I know that Comics aren't great, in fact they are a gateway to awful, horrible things like pornography. I always thought that female super-heroes were supposed to be role models for little girls. If I had a daughter, I would never want her to try to grow up trying to get a "perfect super-hero" body or to wear barely covering clothing. I would want my daughter to have this,

or this,
or this to look up to.

Girls today should have something better, something that shows them that they can be both strong and beautiful without having to prance around half-naked.
Another less important, but nerdy reason that I refuse to see it, is that DC is stealing Captain America's story, a new strong super hero who is in the U.S. to fight the Nazis, carries a shield and just happens to wear red, white, and blue. Because Marvel totally hasn't done that before. *exasperated eye-roll and sigh*
Whistle while you work,
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