Man I wish that my Christmas Eve's went like the poem, but they don't. Christmas Eve's at the Mooradian house are pretty crazy. The kitchen is full of delicious smells and messes of dirty dishes.

Gifts are hastily being wrapped, it's not too pretty, but it works we still love opening the gifts the next day.
Naps are being taken so that we all stay awake during midnight Mass.
Outfits are picked out for Mass, discarded, picked out, discarded, and then picked out again, just to be thrown into the closet, and finally the perfect outfit is picked out.
Presents are put underneath the tree, and finally it's time for bed, ( after Mass that is) Everybody bundles up in blankets and pj's all going to the same bedroom for one night a year. So this is how our Christmas eves go. On to what to expect for Christmas, the gifts and the food it's all great, but it's not what Christmas is all about. There is one thing to remember for Christmas and that's Christ.
Christmas is all about Christ's birth, His coming into the world and saving us all. The only happiness one can find on Christmas is through the Savior of the world. Tear into your gifts, and your food, but give thanks to God for His Son and for your blessings, and your family.
Merry Christmas and Whistle while you work,
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