You walk into Church, all the lights are out and you see the decorations.
It's all so amazingly beautiful!
You are there an hour or two early because we have to have good seats, so now you wait and wait, and wait.

The priest comes in, the song starts and it seems like nothing could be more right in the world right now.

Pretty soon a little sibling or two is asleep, so you have become a headrest.

It's past Midnight and you are straving.
You get home, the kids are in bed, but it's to early in the morning to fall asleep, so you just watch a movie until the kids do wake up.
( you might look a little like this)

But in the end, it is all worth it, every bit of Midnight Mass is glorious, it gives you enough fuel to face the coming day, I mean coming year.
Merry Christmas and Whistle while you work,