You can get excited to be fully rested after a long stressful day of school/work.

Watching TV is relaxing and can be very educational ( who new that being lazy could teach you something!)

Playing a game can give you a chance do something lazy with friends or family. Everybody enjoys a good game.
I don't always count reading as being lazy, but in a way it is. Also reading a book, with a cup of coffee, on a rainy day? Pure perfection.
So those are all good points of being lazy, and unfortunately, you can not just lie around and do nothing all day.
Although it is awesome, sleeping can cause you to miss out on stuff, I would know, I have slept through many family lunches, board games, and small stuff like talking a walk or having a deep conversation with someone.
Watching a movie with a group of people sounds fun, but no one is engaging with their fellow movie goer, and (at our house) by the end of the movie someone is asleep.

Not going to lie here guys, this is how most of the games at our house go. Board games are AWESOME until you lose of course. This can all be remedied by (winning) trying to be a good sport.
Because I love books so much, I will not claim that there is anything bad with them so, read on all you book nerds!
There are my pros and cons of being lazy.
Whistle while you work,