Yes, I firmly believe that Han shot first! ( Why wouldn't he have shot first?)

I love that although she is a princess, she can take care of herself, and she makes sure everybody knows. She is a big part of the rebellion and she keeps a modest look ( In all but one movie, which I hate that George Lucas felt he had to put that in there) not to loose not to tight.

Lando Calrissian, I know that he is a traitor, ( he turns good in the end!) but man, I can't help but love this guy! He is so snazzy in his space cape! I liked Lando from the beginning and I will like Lando in the end!
Chewie! He is a fuzzy 7'6 wall of hair, need I say more?

Obi wan Kenobi, well, he is sarcastic, and yet very loving to those around him. *cough, cough* Anakin!

You are lying if you say that this part in the movie didn't shatter your heart. No one can stand to see a brother fight his brother.
If you read my earlier Star Wars post, you know that Qui gon Jinn is my favorite character. Why? I'm not exactly sure why, but I really like Liam Neeson's acting
( Qui gon Jinn, Aslan, Bad cop, and Jean val Jean.) Most people like Morgan Freeman's voice, me? Liam neeson.
Well I think that is about it, May the 4th be with you, and watch out for tomorrow, Revenge of the 5th!
Whistle while you work,
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