Yup, that's right. Spoilers to those who have not yet seen the new Star Wars, The Force Awakens. For those who have seen it, read on.
Let's meet the characters, we will start with Rey, the heroine of the movie.
What do we know about her? Not much, she is an orphan. She lost her family, she still has hope that they are coming back.( Even though she knows deep down inside that they aren't.) There is a rumor that she is Luke Skywalkers daughter. Do we know for sure? No, come on Disney! Tell us! Any-who, next we meet Finn, a stormtrooper of the First Order turned good.
In the beginning we see Finn struggle as he watches innocent people get killed by the First Order. He knows that the killing is wrong, he wants to leave the First Order. But once you join the dark side, it's not so easy to leave. Which brings us to our next character
Poe Dameron
Poe is the best pilot in the resistance, who is fighting against the dark side. Poe is only really in the beginning and the end. (which stinks because he is one of my favorite characters!) Poe is captured by the First Order and brought to Kylo-ren ( I'll talk about him later) Finn leaves the First Order and helps Poe escape. Now on to Kylo-ren
So as you can probably guess, he is the bad guy. But who is he? Where did this strange new Sith lord come from? When we take off the mask, we get this.
I am going to come out and say I did want something a little more intimidating. ( So I was kind of disappointed.) We later find out that Kylo-ren is none other than, Ben Solo, Han and Leia's wayward son. ( I just started singing, Carry on My Wayward Son by the band Kansas. One word can set me off singing.) To me Ben looks scared, like he doesn't really want to do all that he does, like *cough cough* Kill his father! So what do we do? We cry cry cry cry, because Han Solo just died died died died! I really liked Han in this movie though, he was awesome, as usual! ( A little grey, but not bad!)

I will still always love the old Han though! I was devastated that J.J. Abrams would kill him! He was my favorite character! ( A little embarrassing, but Han Solo was my first crush, when I was like 5, shortly followed by Qui-gon Jinn when I was like 8)
Back to the Force Awakens, there is a new droid in town! BB-8.
As my best friend, Catherine, called him, " The rolling meatball of sass."
But my favorite new character? General Hux! Why? Because, who doesn't like a crazy ginger General? ( Also he is like Kylo-rens babysitter, so I can sympathize, I've babysat some crazy kids! *cough, cough* My siblings!)
Okay actually I lied, I have 2 new favorite characters! The other one is Maz.
She's sassy, she's short, and she looks like a dried apple! What else could we need? This post is not long enough to go into all of the characters, but Chewie, Leia, Luke, C-3P0, R2-D2, are still there! I liked it, but the first three movies are the still the best!
Whistle while you work, and may the force be with you,
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