Saint Gianna's story is not a great adventure of being a missionary, or fighting a heresy. Saint Gianna's story is a simple and loving story. She came from a big family of 13, but only 9 survived infancy. She became a doctor in 1949, and she specialized in pediatrics. She wanted to be a missionary with her brother, but had bad health and could not leave Italy. Her husband worked as an engineer at her office, and in 1955 they were married. they had five children, 3 surviving infancy. In 1961 Gianna became pregnant again, and a problem arouse as she had cancer. The doctors told her that an abortion could be done and she would live, or she could try and remove the cancer and the baby would die, or she could have the baby and then start treatment, but it would put her own life at risk. Saint Gianna refused to kill her child, and stated that she would have the baby, and then proceed with treatment. Saint Gianna had the baby, Gianna Emanuela, and passed away 7 days later.
Saint Gianna is an inspiration to me because of how she fought for life, even if it cost her own. When I first full read her story, I was in chapel, and I knew that this is who I wanted for my Confirmation saint, and role model. I look at Saint Gianna's life, and she was just like any other mother.
She would do anything to save her children's lives. If God calls me to be a wife and mother, the mothers I most desire to be like, are The Blessed Mother, Saint Gianna, my mother, and my grandmother.
Whistle while you work,