Hello once again,
I keep noticing that I am getting so busy I forget I even have a blog. With all that is going on in my crazy life, I can't seem to slow down. The funny thing about me being busy is that it makes me feel stuck in a rut that I can't get out of. I always feel so mundane and board when in reality my life is a chock-full calendar and busy schedule. I especially feel this way when a big change is coming up in my life. I am sure that my family and friends are tired of my heavy sighs and longing to be somewhere else, doing anything than what I am doing now. I think that part of my problem is that I find joy in simplicity. I like rainy days, fresh brewed coffee, fuzzy socks, cozy blankets and sleeping in late etc...etc...etc... Because of my recently fast paced life, I haven't really been able to enjoy these things. The lack of simple pleasures has made me irritable and discontent, and I apologize to anyone that has felt the repercussions of this. There was a thunderstorm last night, I couldn't remember the last time I had been so ecstatic over something so little. The realization of this made me remember how blessed I am. A few good cries, lots of coffee, and a some heart to heart chats made me feel a little better. During this Lenten season I have decided to let God take control, to help break me free from this stuck, monotonous feeling. I am asking for all of your prayers and good wishes on my Lenten journey.
Whistle while you work,
The Whistling Potato
A Cute and fun blog about my crazy life
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Sunday, December 24, 2017
So this is Christmas, and what have you done?
Hello all,
I know that it has been a very looooong time...... I unfortunately got really busy with culinary school, and my new job. ( I know that this is no excuse.) This year has flown by me soooo fast, it has been a crazy one. As this Christmas season has rolled around I was feeling very haunted by the John Lennon song, "Happy xmas, war is over." Every time I turn on the radio this song is on.
I finally decided that John Lennon must be trying to tell me something, to quote the late singer.... "And so this is Christmas... and what have you done.... another year over..... and a new one's just begun." Well, this is Christmas, and WHAT have I done. I started culinary school at Washburn Institute of Technology this year. I got my first official job, I cut off my 3 foot long hair.......... but what does all of this mean? What made this year different for me than any other year? As this song continues to haunt me I wonder what I did that was so special, what did I do, not only for myself... but for others. Seeing people this Christmas season that were needy-er than I made me feel very selfish and snobby. The clock is slowly ticking down to midnight, when my family will all pile in the car and head off to Midnight Mass. I wonder as I will set in a dark and quiet church if there is still some time for me to finish this year with the Joy of Christ and to start off next year with a more giving and open heart. It is so unfortunate that I have always been told that Christmas isn't about gifts, or food, it's about Family and Jesus' birthday. But somehow, it has taken me 16 years to see and experience it. As Christ becomes ready to enter our world as a pure-sinless baby, I am hoping He will take my broken, blemished heart and make it new and clean, if only for His pleasure. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good-night!
Whistle while you work, Emma
Friday, July 28, 2017
My BIG delimma
I like to think of myself as a creative thinker, I like to come up with stories here and there. When I am bored, I simply add more to the story. I have thought about it countless times, and decided, " I should right these down!" But then I encounter a few problems.
1. I start writing in a notebook, and then I lose the notebook. I have at least 20 missing notebooks and stories, where they go? Nobody knows.
2. I start to write, and then I decide that I don't like something, the character's name, the setting, the character....... the entire plot.
3. The story sounds really good in my head, but then really, really, really, really dumb on paper. Like how did I even come up with that in the first place?
4. As soon as I get my pencil and paper ready, I forget everything about the story. It's just completely gone. Where did it go? Nobody knows?
5. My stories are apparently way more dramatic than I thought. Somewhere along the way, the story gets lost and a soap opera turns up. Needless to say, I would make a really good soap opera writer.
6. I decide I should type it up instead of making a paper copy, and I either forget the name of my document, or I only get as far as the title.
7. I feel like I would really enjoy writing, but I am really busy ( A.K.A I would rather take a nap) and just can't find the time to write down an entire book.
Does anybody have any tips? Because I would LOVE to hear how other people manage to write and have a life at the same time.
Whistle while you work,
Emma Mooradian
1. I start writing in a notebook, and then I lose the notebook. I have at least 20 missing notebooks and stories, where they go? Nobody knows.
2. I start to write, and then I decide that I don't like something, the character's name, the setting, the character....... the entire plot.
3. The story sounds really good in my head, but then really, really, really, really dumb on paper. Like how did I even come up with that in the first place?
4. As soon as I get my pencil and paper ready, I forget everything about the story. It's just completely gone. Where did it go? Nobody knows?
5. My stories are apparently way more dramatic than I thought. Somewhere along the way, the story gets lost and a soap opera turns up. Needless to say, I would make a really good soap opera writer.
6. I decide I should type it up instead of making a paper copy, and I either forget the name of my document, or I only get as far as the title.
7. I feel like I would really enjoy writing, but I am really busy ( A.K.A I would rather take a nap) and just can't find the time to write down an entire book.
Does anybody have any tips? Because I would LOVE to hear how other people manage to write and have a life at the same time.
Whistle while you work,
Emma Mooradian
Friday, May 26, 2017
The reason that I will not be watching Wonder-woman.
As you probably know, DC has decided to make a Wonder-woman movie. At first I was very intrigued. I mean I really liked Wonder-woman when I was little, I liked her not because she was one of the first female super-heroes or because she could perform amazing feats. I just thought she was cool, until I got a little older and started to detest her skimpy little outfit and objectifying fighting style. Now I know that Comics aren't great, in fact they are a gateway to awful, horrible things like pornography. I always thought that female super-heroes were supposed to be role models for little girls. If I had a daughter, I would never want her to try to grow up trying to get a "perfect super-hero" body or to wear barely covering clothing. I would want my daughter to have this,

or this,

or this to look up to.

Girls today should have something better, something that shows them that they can be both strong and beautiful without having to prance around half-naked.
Another less important, but nerdy reason that I refuse to see it, is that DC is stealing Captain America's story, a new strong super hero who is in the U.S. to fight the Nazis, carries a shield and just happens to wear red, white, and blue. Because Marvel totally hasn't done that before. *exasperated eye-roll and sigh*
Whistle while you work,

or this,

or this to look up to.

Girls today should have something better, something that shows them that they can be both strong and beautiful without having to prance around half-naked.
Another less important, but nerdy reason that I refuse to see it, is that DC is stealing Captain America's story, a new strong super hero who is in the U.S. to fight the Nazis, carries a shield and just happens to wear red, white, and blue. Because Marvel totally hasn't done that before. *exasperated eye-roll and sigh*
Whistle while you work,
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Last Battle, Aslan and Tash.
For those of you who have read The Last Battle by C.S Lewis you probably know who Tash and Aslan are. ( If you haven't read it, it's the last installment of the Narnia series, also in my opinion the best one.) For those of you who haven't, Aslan is the god or creator of the Narnians, while Tash is the god of the Calormens.
Aslan is a kind and loving god, written to portray none-other than the Christian God. He comes in the appearance of a lion a strong similarity considering that the tribe of Judah's symbol is a lion, and Jesus is that Lion.

On to Tash, he is a horrible looking creature with the head of a vulture, a skeletal body, and four arms.

Not only was Tash awful looking, he was a cruel and awful god, only appeased by human sacrifices.
During the Last Battle the unfaithful Narnians and Calormens begin to call Tash and Aslan the same god just under a different names. They summon Tash, believing that he wasn't truly real. However, Tash came, bringing with him the "stench of death." He would later kill the followers that mocked him, bringing them to his land or underworld.
When Aslan returns, he doesn't kill any of his followers, but instead offers repentence and a chance to open their eyes and join him in his land ( Heaven.)
Now, I can see how Aslan is God and Tash is Satan himself, but I was thinking the other day, and I was able to make another comparison. Have any of you heard lately of people today saying that the Christian God and the Muslim god, Allah, the same? We can observe that God is a God of love, He is loving and gentle, offering repentance to all. However Allah is not a god of love, he is cruel enslaving mankind, proclaiming them no better than dogs. It is believed that Allah is pleased by the ( human) sacrifice of taking your own life. While humans are sinners, God never finds pleasure in their deaths or in enslaving them.
I can't help but think that nothing good will come from calling God by the name of Allah, as nothing good came from calling Aslan Tash.
Let me know what other similarities you found in the Last Battle that is something going on today. C.S. Lewis might have had some kind of insight, but these issues are the same today as they were in Jesus' time.
Whistle while you work,
Aslan is a kind and loving god, written to portray none-other than the Christian God. He comes in the appearance of a lion a strong similarity considering that the tribe of Judah's symbol is a lion, and Jesus is that Lion.
On to Tash, he is a horrible looking creature with the head of a vulture, a skeletal body, and four arms.

Not only was Tash awful looking, he was a cruel and awful god, only appeased by human sacrifices.
During the Last Battle the unfaithful Narnians and Calormens begin to call Tash and Aslan the same god just under a different names. They summon Tash, believing that he wasn't truly real. However, Tash came, bringing with him the "stench of death." He would later kill the followers that mocked him, bringing them to his land or underworld.
When Aslan returns, he doesn't kill any of his followers, but instead offers repentence and a chance to open their eyes and join him in his land ( Heaven.)
Now, I can see how Aslan is God and Tash is Satan himself, but I was thinking the other day, and I was able to make another comparison. Have any of you heard lately of people today saying that the Christian God and the Muslim god, Allah, the same? We can observe that God is a God of love, He is loving and gentle, offering repentance to all. However Allah is not a god of love, he is cruel enslaving mankind, proclaiming them no better than dogs. It is believed that Allah is pleased by the ( human) sacrifice of taking your own life. While humans are sinners, God never finds pleasure in their deaths or in enslaving them.
I can't help but think that nothing good will come from calling God by the name of Allah, as nothing good came from calling Aslan Tash.
Let me know what other similarities you found in the Last Battle that is something going on today. C.S. Lewis might have had some kind of insight, but these issues are the same today as they were in Jesus' time.
Whistle while you work,
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Rain, rain go away?
So lately it has been raining all day, every day in Topeka for the last week and a half. Almost everyone I talk to is hating the weather, but I love it. I can be described as a pluviophile.

Rain is so relaxing and calming to me. I can understand how people don't like the dark weather, or the fact that they get wet when they go outside, but I love the smell, darkness, and wet factor of rain. I honestly want to go to Ireland just to watch it rain.

( This is soooo beautiful to me.)
I also want to go to NYC in the rain.

The lights, the noises, the people, add some rain and New York is my dream destination.
I think that I like rain so much because I like the night. I am definitely a night owl, I don't normally go to bed until around 11:30. ( on the weeknights) But on the weekends, I stay up until 12:30 or later. This sounds weird, but I feel safe in my dark house, with only a few people awake, a cup of coffee, and a good book. So when it rains, I do the same, drink coffee and read books while the members of my family nap.
To me rain seems life-giving, you can't have anything grow without rain. I also love the steady rhythm and the sweet fresh smell of the earth after rain.
Let's just appreciate that someone took time to take beautiful pictures of rain,

Summed up in a quote, spoken by some anonymous person,
" There is a quiet beauty found in nature when heaven weeps."
whistle while you work,
Rain is so relaxing and calming to me. I can understand how people don't like the dark weather, or the fact that they get wet when they go outside, but I love the smell, darkness, and wet factor of rain. I honestly want to go to Ireland just to watch it rain.

( This is soooo beautiful to me.)
I also want to go to NYC in the rain.

The lights, the noises, the people, add some rain and New York is my dream destination.
I think that I like rain so much because I like the night. I am definitely a night owl, I don't normally go to bed until around 11:30. ( on the weeknights) But on the weekends, I stay up until 12:30 or later. This sounds weird, but I feel safe in my dark house, with only a few people awake, a cup of coffee, and a good book. So when it rains, I do the same, drink coffee and read books while the members of my family nap.
To me rain seems life-giving, you can't have anything grow without rain. I also love the steady rhythm and the sweet fresh smell of the earth after rain.
Let's just appreciate that someone took time to take beautiful pictures of rain,

Summed up in a quote, spoken by some anonymous person,
" There is a quiet beauty found in nature when heaven weeps."
whistle while you work,
Friday, March 17, 2017
The Saint behind St.Patrick's day.
What normally comes to mind when you think of Saint Patrick's day? People wearing green, being pinched when they don't? A parade? A beer? A shamrock? Whatever you think of, it probably isn't the kind old bishop for whom the holiday is named.

It was always saddening to me when people would use St. Patrick's day as an excuse to get drunk, because it is all in the "name of Ireland." Just like Saint Valentine and Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day means so much more than what people do to celebrate it. So first, some history......
Saint Patrick was born sometime in the fifth-century in Great Britain. He was kidnapped by pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. After six years of slavery and tending sheep, Patrick ran away and made his way back home. He became a priest, and then a bishop. He felt like God was calling him to return to Ireland and convert his captors. Eventually he was able to convert the druids and his captors. ( more history here ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick )
There are several legends surrounding St. Patrick, how many of them are true I don't know, but I hope that they are.
Saint Patrick's day shouldn't be about drinking, it shouldn't be an excuse to waste money. It should be a day to remember the Patron Saint of Ireland with a Mass, a Rosary, or maybe even just a short prayer. I don't think one beer is bad, as long as you toast the good old Saint first. Also, while you are at it, offer up a prayer for Ireland because it isn't as Catholic as it used to be. In the true spirit of Saint Patrick, convert your captors and the druids!
Whistle while you work,
It was always saddening to me when people would use St. Patrick's day as an excuse to get drunk, because it is all in the "name of Ireland." Just like Saint Valentine and Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day means so much more than what people do to celebrate it. So first, some history......
Saint Patrick was born sometime in the fifth-century in Great Britain. He was kidnapped by pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave. After six years of slavery and tending sheep, Patrick ran away and made his way back home. He became a priest, and then a bishop. He felt like God was calling him to return to Ireland and convert his captors. Eventually he was able to convert the druids and his captors. ( more history here ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick )
There are several legends surrounding St. Patrick, how many of them are true I don't know, but I hope that they are.
Saint Patrick's day shouldn't be about drinking, it shouldn't be an excuse to waste money. It should be a day to remember the Patron Saint of Ireland with a Mass, a Rosary, or maybe even just a short prayer. I don't think one beer is bad, as long as you toast the good old Saint first. Also, while you are at it, offer up a prayer for Ireland because it isn't as Catholic as it used to be. In the true spirit of Saint Patrick, convert your captors and the druids!
Whistle while you work,
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