Aslan is a kind and loving god, written to portray none-other than the Christian God. He comes in the appearance of a lion a strong similarity considering that the tribe of Judah's symbol is a lion, and Jesus is that Lion.
On to Tash, he is a horrible looking creature with the head of a vulture, a skeletal body, and four arms.

Not only was Tash awful looking, he was a cruel and awful god, only appeased by human sacrifices.
During the Last Battle the unfaithful Narnians and Calormens begin to call Tash and Aslan the same god just under a different names. They summon Tash, believing that he wasn't truly real. However, Tash came, bringing with him the "stench of death." He would later kill the followers that mocked him, bringing them to his land or underworld.
When Aslan returns, he doesn't kill any of his followers, but instead offers repentence and a chance to open their eyes and join him in his land ( Heaven.)
Now, I can see how Aslan is God and Tash is Satan himself, but I was thinking the other day, and I was able to make another comparison. Have any of you heard lately of people today saying that the Christian God and the Muslim god, Allah, the same? We can observe that God is a God of love, He is loving and gentle, offering repentance to all. However Allah is not a god of love, he is cruel enslaving mankind, proclaiming them no better than dogs. It is believed that Allah is pleased by the ( human) sacrifice of taking your own life. While humans are sinners, God never finds pleasure in their deaths or in enslaving them.
I can't help but think that nothing good will come from calling God by the name of Allah, as nothing good came from calling Aslan Tash.
Let me know what other similarities you found in the Last Battle that is something going on today. C.S. Lewis might have had some kind of insight, but these issues are the same today as they were in Jesus' time.
Whistle while you work,