Rain is so relaxing and calming to me. I can understand how people don't like the dark weather, or the fact that they get wet when they go outside, but I love the smell, darkness, and wet factor of rain. I honestly want to go to Ireland just to watch it rain.

( This is soooo beautiful to me.)
I also want to go to NYC in the rain.

The lights, the noises, the people, add some rain and New York is my dream destination.
I think that I like rain so much because I like the night. I am definitely a night owl, I don't normally go to bed until around 11:30. ( on the weeknights) But on the weekends, I stay up until 12:30 or later. This sounds weird, but I feel safe in my dark house, with only a few people awake, a cup of coffee, and a good book. So when it rains, I do the same, drink coffee and read books while the members of my family nap.
To me rain seems life-giving, you can't have anything grow without rain. I also love the steady rhythm and the sweet fresh smell of the earth after rain.
Let's just appreciate that someone took time to take beautiful pictures of rain,

Summed up in a quote, spoken by some anonymous person,
" There is a quiet beauty found in nature when heaven weeps."
whistle while you work,