Lately I've been going into nostalgia about all the great things that I had or did as a kid. The older I get, the more I fondly remember little things that probably aren't as great as I remember them.
1) Betty Spaghetty

Betty Spaghetty, the doll you can take apart everywhere and put back together! I had a Betty Spaghetty when I was little, and it had to be my favorite toy, I remember hiding her in my closet so that my sisters wouldn't play with her. I was going to buy an original Betty a while ago, as a sort of novelty, but the originals are crazy expensive, some up to $100.00. I, in no way have that kind of cash. So if you happen to have an original Betty Spaghetty lying around, I would love it!
2) Thundercats.

This is honestly a TV show straight from the 80's. I wasn't around then, but my dad was, and so I think in a way to connect to his five daughters, he let them watch his old favorite cartoon. And it worked, all five of us slept, ate, and breathed Thundercats. Thundercats is probably 100% better in my memories than it is in real life. I was going to by the first season, but I couldn't really find it at a convent price or place. I was also going to be the figurines from the show, but once again, over $100.00.
3) Star Wars.

I know that Star Wars is still a thing, and that they are still making movies, but it is different now than it was when I was a kid. I remember watching Star Wars for the first time, and instantly falling in love with it. I also remember getting really excited for episodes 1-3, and being able to watch them in theater. The Mooradian kids got so into Star Wars that we had our own characters, with our own species, our own lightsabers, and the such. I wrote George Lucas letters almost every day begging him to let me be in the movies. Unfortunately I never got any letters back from him. If anyone happens to know George Lucas, give him my name! :)
4) Beanie Boppers.

Much like the more commonly known Beanie Babies, Beanie Boppers were the thing in the 2000's. We didn't go crazy like most people did with Beanie Babies, we never bought over 10, but each girl had one Beanie Bopper that slightly resembled them. The ones above are actually the ones I had, how the first one resembled me I don't know, ask my parents.
5) Silly puddy.

I know that Silly puddy is still a thing too, but I remember having so much fun with the original silly puddy, my sisters and I would stick it to newspapers and watch the ink stick to it, we would also throw it on the wall and see if it would stick. There is nothing like good old fashioned silly puddy.
6) Mini Polly Pockets.

If you grew up in the 90's you more than likely had one or two of these mini Polly pockets. Us Mooradian girls LOVED them, and unfortunately we only had one, so we were forced to share one Polly Pocket between five girls.
If I could, I would go back to being a kid, everything was so simple and fun. If only I could be little forever.
Whistle while you work,