As you can see, these monasteries are breathtakingly beautiful, but I noticed one sad element, the abandoned falling buildings. On the settlement are 8 buildings, surrounded by a cemetery, lush green grass, and beautiful blue water. The monastery was founded in 544 A.D by Saint Ciaran. Many kings and noblemen sought sanctuary and were buried there. Noblemen sent their sons to be educated by the monks, and some eventually became monks themselves. Today the abandoned buildings are open to the public, although a fee was put into place to tour the buildings. The really sad part to me is that it feels like a price is put on Catholic churches that should be open to all. Another sad factor is that people just let their sheep and cows walk around, graze, and do their business in the sacred buildings.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that the people of Ireland have given up their rich heritage and faith for profits and worldly goods. But it isn't just the people of Ireland, it's almost everyone. If we look around, and dig a little, we will see so many countries full of a rich heritage and faith that was cast aside or forgotten; our own countries included. Although it's hard, change starts with us and we are the people that have to start making changes, finding our rich heritage and stopping from giving into worldly, ungodly pleasures.
Whistle while you work,