Pumpkin spice coffee, or actually coffee in general. Our local Hyvee gas station has $0.99 hot coffee in the fall/ winter.
Sweater weather is great, it's chilly enough to wear a light sweater but still warm enough to wear shorts.
Fall colors are awesome and I love stepping on crunchy leaves, I will go out of my way to step on a crunchy leaf.
It is officially apple cider weather, and that means apple scented everything, candles, febreze, and perfume. There is a little market in Topeka that makes the best frozen apple cider, and apple cider doughnuts!
It is also officially cinnamon weather. To me cinnamon is the smell of fall and winter alike. So that means it's time for cinnamon candles and cinnamon tea.

The smell of fall is next, while it does smell like apples and cinnamon, I mean the smell of nature in the fall, it smells wet, like leaves, and it smells just like chilly weather.

I actually don't go too much bonfires, but the idea of a bonfire or even a fire in a fireplace is cozy and warm.
In a nutshell I love everything about fall! It very well may be one of the best seasons of the year. If only we could get some cold weather here in Topeka.
Whistle while you work,